Isn’t it lovely when we go somewhere and we find everything has been prepared ready for us whether it’s a meal, or holiday accommodation, or whatever.
We read in Genesis how God prepared the earth in every way ready for the day He made Adam. God thought of everything Adam could possibly need and enjoy, and He saw that what He made was good. How many of us know that God’s good is amazing!😊In other words God had thought of everything in advance and He wants to encourage us today to know that is exactly what He has done for us as well, not just for eternity, although that is wonderful, but for this life as well.
He has prepared good things for each of us to walk into, whether it’s a job, or a relationship, or a good work for us to do.😊
We read how God had prepared a promised land for His children, the Israelites, to make their own, but that first generation never saw it, because they refused to believe that God would keep them safe or that it was possible to overcome the giants. Psalm 78:41-42 NKJV Yes, again and again they tempted God, And limited the Holy One of Israel. They did not remember His power… Their fears and limited mindset held them bound and although they came out of Egypt, the old slave mentality of Egypt stopped them entering into what God had prepared for them.
God wants us to let go of any limited mindset we might be hanging on to, because He wants to take us into so much this year but He needs our faith to reach out and take it. He needs us to believe His promises are true so we can fight the fight of faith against the enemy’s lies and deceptions so we don’t fall for them like the Israelites did.
Lord help us to not limit You by our unbelief or old way of thinking, but open our spiritual eyes and understanding to believe and embrace Your promises and everything You want to give us, and everything you want to do through us this year. In Jesus name. Amen.
Photo by Fiona Smallwood on Unsplash
What a powerful prayer, Amen and Amen 🙏