Have you heard the story of the frog who lived at the bottom of a well? He looked up one day and saw a light shining at the top and climbed up to have a look to see what it was. He was happy with his little bit of water in the well and thought it was all there was, until he looked over the top and saw a lovely big pond. Then he hopped further and found a beautiful lake with a fountain, hopped much further and discovered the vast ocean. He realised how limited he had been in the well and that God had created so much more for him to enjoy.😊
I wonder if we are sitting in a well of sorts thinking it’s all there is? Maybe we’re contented with what we have not realising God not only has pools and fountains, but a whole ocean of His goodness waiting for us to experience and enjoy.
God has things stored up for us that will surprise us this year if we’ll just look up and put our heads over the edge of where we’re at. God is wanting us to believe for greater and go further than before, no matter what age or stage in life we are.
Caleb didn’t go and conquer his mountain till he was 85 years old and he brought down five giants while he was about it. Sarah didn’t discover her destiny till she was 90 years old when she had Isaac. David was just a shepherd boy when he was anointed to be king. Lydia sold expensive clothes and led a church in her home. What might God want you to do?😊
Let’s have a mindset that reaches for all that God has for us, that knows if God is for us no one can be against us, that He wants us to prosper and succeed in all He gives us to do.
Lord help us to be willing to expand our horizons in our thinking and to go beyond where we are in every sphere of life, to believe we can overcome our limitations and do what we’ve never done before with the help of Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus name. Amen.
Photo by Ladd Greene on Unsplash
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