Monday, 20 January 2025


Genesis 37:38 NLT When Joseph’s brothers saw him coming, they recognised him in the distance. As he approached, they made plans to kill him….v.39 “Then we’ll see what becomes of his dreams!”

We know the story of Joseph’s special many coloured coat which his dad had made for him, and the dreams he had of his brothers all bowing down to him. They recognised him because of his coat and they hated him because he was their dad’s favourite son.

In the same way the devil sees us coming and he recognises right away who we are because we’re wearing the robe of righteousness our Heavenly Father has given us to wear, and he knows we’re all God’s favourites, so he hates us too. He also tries to stop our dreams happening.

Joseph went through many upsets, betrayals and hardship and there must have been times when he thought his dreams were lost. But as we know his dreams did come to pass at the appointed time because he remained faithful to his God and God gave him favour wherever he went, even when he was a slave in prison. Bad breaks didn’t stop his dreams from happening!

God has placed dreams in each one of us and we may have let them go for various reasons, but God doesn’t let the dreams go and if we’ll ask Him once again to rekindle them and help us fulfil them, then He will. 

You may have had some bad breaks, but God has more for you than you could ever think possible. He has promised to bring to completion what He has started in you, which includes the dreams and visions He has given you. So get your dreams back out, dust them off, believe again, dream big at the beginning of this new year and ask the Lord to help you fulfil all He has planned for you to do. In Jesus name. Amen.😊

Philippians 1:6 NLT And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

Photo by Sorina Bindea on Unsplash

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