2 Corinthians 6;1 NCV We are workers together with God, so we beg you: Do not let the grace that you received from God be for nothing.
Someone explained to me recently how when God came to Abram and Sarai in Genesis 17, He added the Hebrew letter hei, which stands for grace, to give them their new names of Abraham and Sarah. Apparently the letter hei is pronounced with an exhalation of breath and it’s a lovely picture of how God breathed grace into their lives. As a result of God’s grace they were able to conceive, Abraham became the father of many nations, and Sarah was able to stop struggling to get what she wanted by her own efforts.
God wants us to conceive some things as well and His grace has the ability to transform our lives from the inside out, if we’ll receive it as a gift from Him. Romans 5:17 … much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. He reminds us it is given to us in abundance but sometimes we seem to resist it because we don’t feel like we deserve it, but every single thing we need from God comes by His grace, not by our works or efforts.😊
God’s grace transformed Abraham and Sarah on the inside and overflowed into their whole lives. What’s your dream? God has made that same grace available to each one of us.
So what do we need grace for today? Do we have anything that needs transforming in our lives? God wants us to let the struggling go and allow Him to breathe His grace into our lives, our health, our finances, our relationships.
God’s word is God breathed (2 Timothy3:16 AMP) and as we read His word and lay hold of His promises we are putting ourselves in a position for His grace to flow and transform us from the inside out.
Hebrews 4:16 …come boldly to the throne of grace to receive mercy and help in time of need. So why not come with me and let’s go to the throne today and do some personal receiving.😊
Lord, I come boldly to the throne of grace and ask You to breathe Your grace into my life today. I receive it by faith and thank You for it in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Photo by Kira auf der Heide on Unsplash
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