Back in my twenties when my life was very off course, I was so depressed it gave me a bad attitude. If something good happened to someone else I’d think, “It’s all right for them!” I was in a sad way and had a lot to learn!😊
It did bring me to my knees and back to the Lord though, for which I’m so truly thankful, but it took quite a while to get my thinking straightened out which is what I needed. God gradually transformed me by the renewing of my mind as I read His Word, and He’s still doing it!😊 How about you? Are you letting Him transform your mind, your thinking?Sometimes life can be very hard and, like the Israelites, everything around us can look so depressing and discouraging. We forget God has a good plan for our lives and He has promised to work everything out for our good in the end if we’ll trust Him.
But those people were in a worse state because it says, ‘they refused to listen anymore’. All they could see was their circumstances and it gave them a bad attitude. They became hard hearted towards God and died in the wilderness.
I hope none of us is like the Israelites and not listening to God any more, because He’s the only One who can help us, and we know God is speaking to each one of us today, no matter how discouraging things may seem. God sees the big picture and just like when we do a jigsaw puzzle, we have to persevere with patience till it comes together, so we need to keep listening and keep believing His promises.😊