Saturday, 26 October 2024


Psalm 90:12 NIV Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

In life we’re faced with multiple choices, and some of them are wise and some of them are not! Statistics tell us we make as many as 33,000 choices in any given day, which is remarkable but no wonder we sometimes get tired!

I even have a friend who doesn’t like going to supermarkets because there is too much choice! Do we choose the healthy cereals or the sugar coated ones?  Do I choose fruit or a chocolate biscuit, or both? Hmmm.🤔

Seriously though we can apply it to everything including how we spend our spare time. We’ve probably all spent hours on the internet or TV but Scripture tells us to use our time wisely, to number our days. In other words to not waste this precious commodity of time.

God says He gives us all things to enjoy but He does say to ask for His wisdom in all things, and to put His kingdom first. What does He wants us to do, or not do? James 1:5 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.

So no matter what it’s about, it would be wise to just stop and think for a minute. Take time to listen to His quiet voice when we hear Him saying to think again as we reach for another cake, or another hour of screen watching, or not to say the thing that was on the tip of our tongue and keep our mouth shut, or maybe choose to say it in a kinder way, or even who to choose as our friends. It covers everything!

We’ll probably not be surprised when we find He may want us to choose something different to what we were thinking, but it’s because He wants to protect us, He wants the best for us. 

Most of all He’d like us to choose to spend some of our time with Him each day and to read His word. We know it’s always time well spent and He rewards us when we do.

Oh and bye the way, I’d just like to thank anyone who ever reads my Blog, for choosing to read it as one of your 33,000 choices on any given day, and I hope it blesses you.😊

May your weekend be blessed with wise choices. Amen.😊x

Photo by Bakd&Raw by Karolin Baitinger on Unsplash


  1. Thanks for your encouraging words.
    Deuteronomy 30 v 19 _20
    Says choose life that you and your family may live.
    That's the most important choice we can make in life.
    Life is found in choosing to accept Jesus as our Lord and saviour and one we ll never regret. 😊

  2. Thank you. Amen! X😊

  3. Gosh, so very true Jackie. I have made lots of choices this year and most have been the wrong ones, but keeping faith I know God will eventually, in his time, give me the correct one.
    I am glad to say that your blog is most definitely the right choice and helps me to keep going. Thank you Jackie. God bless have have a lovely weekend. X

  4. Thanks Dee and am I’m sure things will work out for you in due course.😊🙏
