Wednesday 9 October 2024


Matthew 11:28-29 NLT Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

We were walking in the local nature reserve the other day where there are these old, worn out tyres. They made me think of when we feel worn down and ‘tired’ out as well! Forgive the pun.😊

Things do gang up on us sometimes and it’s just one thing after another, so it’s not surprising if we feel like those tyres look, but God says there is a solution.😊

Even though Jesus was never in a rush or a hurry, He knew what it was like to be tired out, what with walking all day in the heat and ministering to people all the time, so He had to sit down by a well one day for a rest. On another occasion He called His disciples aside to a quiet spot so they could all rest because it says they hadn’t stopped all day. Sound familiar?

He totally gets where we’re at and He commanded us to have a day of rest every week because He knew we would need it, and Jesus knows best!😊

Maybe you’re feeling tired and worn out with all that’s going on in your life and you wish you could be recharged like your phone. Jesus said “Let me teach you” but are we willing to learn?

He wants us recharged as much as we do, so He invites us to bring our stress, our cares to Him, and leave them with Him, and to come and sit with Him so He can minister His strength back into us. What a lovely invitation it is, to stop and draw aside and let His peace flow over us and into us once again.

So Lord we come to You. We just shut the world out for a moment or two and ask you to help us to learn to rest, but also to rest in You; to take time to unwind and allow Your peace that passes understanding to flow into our hearts and restore our souls. Help us Lord to obey Your nudge when You’re telling us to stop for a while, so we can draw on Your strength and know You are holding us up and You will give us all we need. In Jesus name. Amen.

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