Friday 4 October 2024


Psalm 31:19 How great is the goodness you have stored up for those who fear you. You lavish it on those who come to you for protection, blessing them before the watching world.

We’ve been away for a few days in South Devon where we lived for many years, catching up with old friends and family and making some new friends too, which was a lovely bonus.😊 

We even had a day at the seaside in the sunshine with an outdoor picnic watching the sea and the scenery. What a joy that was as we are a long way from the sea where we live now, right in the middle of England.

How lovely it is though, to come back home and walk through our own front door and sleep in our own familiar bed! It’s so easy to take things for granted with the day to day routines but it’s good to look around and just be so grateful for everything we have in our lives that God is blessing us with every day.

It came home to me when I was chatting with a homeless man sitting outside Tesco the other day and when you have a conversation like that it makes you realise how thankful we should be for what we have, how much God has blessed us in our lives, and ask the Lord to forgive us for our moans and complaints.

So just in case you’ve been feeling a bit down or hard done by, my encouragement to us today is to stop and look around where we live, and be so grateful if we have any work, grateful for our homes and families, grateful we don’t have to live in a tent which that man was doing, and give our God all the praise for His great goodness to us every single day.

And if things are tough at the minute, grab hold of the promise in our verse that God has great goodness stored up for you still to come, and thank Him it’s on it’s way, because it surely is.😊 Amen.

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