Saturday 12 October 2024


Galations 5:22-23 NKJV But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.

I took this photo of Paignton Harbour in South Devon recently and it warns all boats they must go Dead Slow going in and out, otherwise there might be a collision!

Now there are times when we wake up in the morning and we may feel like we’re going Dead Slow as well because our metabolism hasn’t quite caught up with us yet, and that’s ok because we know we will get going in a minute.😊

But what about when other people or situations are going Dead Slow? Are we able to be as patient and long suffering with them? Everyone seems to want everything yesterday and we hear people pipping their horns because someone was slow to leave the traffic lights, or agitated because a mother and child held them up at the checkout.

Life is going to be filled with delays and we can either go with the flow or let our blood pressure explode! God tells us that patience and long suffering are part of the fruit of the Spirit and it helps to remember it.😊

We’re not living each day on our own, we have the Holy Spirit of God living on the inside of us to help us stay calm, or to see things from someone else’s perspective, to trust God He will get us to where we need to be at the right time.

I think God allows delays from time to time to let us see where we’re at, whether we’re trusting Him or not with the details of life, or just wanting what we want all the time.

So today, if you’re feeling like things are taking too long, or someone is driving you to distraction with their slowness, take a deep breath, say a quick prayer, and allow the Holy Spirit to bring your fruit of patience and self control to the top. It helps to remember how patient God is with us, and let’s believe Him to bring things to pass when He knows the time is right. In Jesus name. Amen.

Have a blessed weekend everybody.x😊

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