Friday 11 October 2024


Galations 6:4 NLT Pay careful attention to your own work for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else.

I saw the following phrase written on a hanging ornament which is quite thought provoking! 
In a world where you can be anything, be yourself.’

Have you ever been tempted to look at others and think I’d love to be like them? They’re good looking, clever, articulate, or whatever attribute we admire, and compare ourselves with them, or maybe even want to copy them, or wish we had their life?

But 2 Corinthians 10:12 tells us not to compare ourselves to others as it’s not wise. God made each one of us unique, to the specification He wanted. He gifted us with all we shall need and if we don’t have what someone else has, it’s because we don’t need it, and if we are going to need it, then God will give it to us when it’s time.😊

As far as God is concerned He made you a masterpiece, you’re His special treasure made in His likeness and He says you’re the apple of His eye. He has anointed and equipped you, and He’s qualified you to be who He called you to be, so you can go out each day filled with His confidence not your own.

Never forget, in God’s eyes He thought you were worth so much to Him, and He loved you so deeply, that He was willing to send His Son to die for you, so you could be with Him for eternity because this life is not all there is. It’s only temporary, greater is coming.

So be encouraged today, Jesus came to set us free, free from sin and shame, free from our past. 

He also came so you could be free to be yourself, free to enjoy being the you who God has made you to be in Jesus, knowing He is changing you and me from one degree of glory to another, in His time. How wonderful is that? We’re becoming more glorious all the time!😊 ThankYou Lord. Amen.


  1. Your message today is so true. In today's society people want aspire to be like someone else, or change there appearance. I have recently started a new job and been struggling with retaining the information, menopause and age related I expect. It is interesting listening to the younger generation talk and how they want to change so they can improve there bodies, or be like others. Excepting who we are is challenging, but with God's help and guidance we can inspire to just be the person God wants us to be and support those around us.
    Thank You Jackie for your blog xx

    1. Thanks Dee and praying your job will become easier for you.🙏🏻
