Wednesday 11 September 2024


Romans 5:17 NIV For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!

We may feel like we’re not getting anywhere but God wants us to know that whatever we are going through we are going somewhere. Even our trouble is taking us somewhere, it has a destination. I heard someone say Jesus used the Cross as a vehicle to take Him to total victory, to sit at the right hand of God. I’d never thought of it like that before.😊

If we have trouble we can use it as a vehicle as well, to carry us forward to wherever God’s plan is leading us. His abundance of grace will take us there. Grace brought us into His salvation and it will take us into everything else we need that God has already prepared for us to walk into.

We can’t change God’s grace. Grace doesn’t change with our age, no matter how young or old we are. Grace doesn’t change with our circumstances or family or church or world situations.

God says we will reign in life, we will get somewhere, if we receive the abundance of His grace and use it to reign over every trouble the enemy sends and He adds that His grace will be more than enough.😊

Grace isn’t in short supply, it’s in abundance and Grace is for us all. Do you have a need? Then don’t forget to go to His throne, whatever time of day, whatever age we are, whatever our circumstances, to come and receive the overflowing abundance of His grace to meet that need in Jesus name.

Everything we have comes to us because of God’s amazing grace towards us and we tap into it by faith in the promises of God.  So let’s throw out the negative voices and know that God wants us to reign in life through knowing and receiving His wonderful gift of righteousness and His abundant grace today. Thank You for them both Lord. Amen.

Photo by Sjoerd Verhelst on Unsplash

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