Tuesday 3 September 2024


1 Corinthians 6:17 But the person who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.

Have you ever noticed when small children are playing together you invariably hear the cry “That’s my toy. It’s mine!” They soon let their little friend know that they’re hanging on to whatever it is that’s theirs! Sometimes our enemy comes along and tries us out to see where we are in our thinking concerning our Heavenly Father because we know God is our Heavenly Father but at some point we  also need to say “He’s not just our Father, but He is also my Father, He is my God, my Saviour.😊

God wants to be intimate and personal to us, and with us. He says we belong to Him, that we are His child, His son or daughter, but He wants us to also say He belongs to us. Isn’t that an amazing thought!

He is my everything - my provider, my healer, my protector, the lover of my soul. Do we sometimes hold our Father at arm’s length and see Him distant, especially if we’ve sinned in some way? It’s at those times we need to run to Him, not from Him remembering we have not lost our righteousness because we blew it. His mercy to forgive us is from everlasting to everlasting, His grace is sufficient for every mistake, every failure, every need in our lives or our loved ones.

When we make a cup of tea, once we’ve added the water to the teabag it becomes infused and there is no way we can separate the two out again. They have become one entity.  In a similar way our Father gave us His own Holy Spirit to be inside us, to be one spirit with Him, infused with Him, no longer two separate entities.  Jesus talked about being one with Him and with His Father in John 17:20-23.

When God says He is for us, He is reminding us we are joined to Him, that He is personally involved with our affairs. That’s how close the Holy Spirit is - joined to  us, personal, intimate, so we don’t need to fear or feel alone. We can say “I belong to God” but don’t forget to add “And He belongs to me!” We are one with Him, we are His and He is ours.  Isn’t that a wonderful blessing?😊 Thank You Lord.

Photo by Svitlana on Unsplash

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