Sunday 1 September 2024


Psalm 103:8 
The Lord is compassionate and merciful, 
slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. 
V.10 He does not punish us for all our sins; 
he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve. 
v.11 For his unfailing love toward those who fear him 
is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth.

When we read these verses we realise how wonderful our God is! There is nobody like Him! Who else would be as merciful to us as He has been and still is? Who else would love us when we really don’t deserve it?

Who else would punish their own Son so we would be forgiven? He says we deserve to be dealt with harshly but He doesn’t do it. His words give us a picture of just how great His love for each one of us really is. 

Have we looked at that picture of His love recently? We know from the scientists only a fraction of how high the heavens are above the earth, we’ve seen the pictures of space reaching out, seemingly into eternity. That is one picture of how wonderful and how great God’s love is for us. But if we look at the Cross and we see the love of Jesus demonstrated for each one of us, we know there is no greater love and it is all for us.

Why not spend a few minutes today and let Him unfold a picture of His wonderful love on the inside of you and know He is for you and not against you. Wherever you go God’s love surrounds you. His love is in you.

How can we not worship our God today and return His love? Jesus said the very stones will cry out if we don’t.😊 Praise His wonderful name. 🙏

Photo: Amir Arefi at Unsplash

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