Thursday 26 September 2024


Hebrews 11:6 NKJV But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

We were out a walk the other day and visited a local nature reserve pond where we met a man who was diligently looking for and photographing kingfishers with a huge camera lens. He showed us the beautiful photos he’d just taken but the birds were too far over the other side of the pond for us to see them personally.😊 

I don’t know about you but I like to see things for myself. I would have loved to actually see one of the kingfishers with my own eyes and I think God wants us to see things for ourselves on the spiritual side of things as well. It’s great when others share their knowledge or their insights but how much better it is when we take the time and allow God to show us things personally.😊

It’s like when we read a verse of scripture we’ve maybe read a hundred times but then one day a light comes on and we ‘see’ something we’ve never understood before and it becomes our own revelation. I love those times but we can all have them if we’ll spend some time in the word and allow the Holy Spirit to help us dig a bit deeper.

God says He rewards those who diligently seek Him and anything that helps us to know our God better is a rich reward in itself because the more we come to know Him the more we shall enter into His blessings and how precious we are to Him. 

So my prayer for us all is that the Holy Spirit will really open up our eyes more and more as we diligently read God’s word to see new, and maybe life changing things, so we can go out and encourage or help others as well. Amen.😊

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