Saturday 21 September 2024


2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT This means anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone, a new life has begun! 

We’ve been picking up windfall apples to make into chutney or stewed apples and I have the messy job of cutting away all the bruised, bad and ‘buggy’ parts which are yucky! What struck me was how they appear to be too far gone to use but by the time I’m finished preparing them I have a beautiful bowl of stewed apples or tasty chutney to put with cheese. Anyone for cheese and chutney?😊

It made me think about how we must appear to God when we first come to Him, all battered and bruised and ‘bugged’ with all kinds of sins, addictions or baggage. We can be in the worst mess imaginable but the good news of the gospel is that Jesus took it all into Himself at the Cross and then gave us His righteousness, His holiness and His resurrection life.

In our soul we may have issues still to be worked through but because we’re made new in our spirits, God will also heal all our bruises and make us whole. That’s why He says to be transformed by the renewing of our minds because, as we allow Him to change our thinking, so our ‘soulish’ realm - our minds, our wills and our emotions - will change too.😊

God sees us now in the same way as He sees Jesus because He’s placed us ‘in Christ’. We are already perfect in our spirits as far as God is concerned because He rebirthed our spirits and they’re spotless, just like Jesus.

So next time you look at yourself and you think ‘what a mess’ just remember if you’re trusting in Jesus for your salvation you are a new creation! God loves you and has accepted you in Jesus and in your spirit you are righteous and beautiful, and as we cooperate with the Holy Spirit we will all be transformed from one degree of glory to another. That’s good news, don’t you think? Thank You Lord.

Philippians 1:6 And I am certain, that God who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

Have a blessed weekend.x😊

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