Monday 30 September 2024


Psalm 62:5-6 AMPC My soul, wait only upon God and silently submit to Him; for my hope and expectation are from Him. He only is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my Defense and my Fortress, I shall not be moved.

In the past few days we’ve seen some unexpected things, like a horse and cart trundling along the road which we don’t normally see. 

Then we were visiting friends who had grown a giant carrot and I put it next to a £1 coin so you can see how big it is!

And yesterday we were visiting the seaside in the wind and rain when we saw several seals playing in the shallows near the beach which was amazing as I’d never seen seals live before!😊 None of those things is terribly important except to say it’s nice when the unexpected happens as it takes us out of the ordinariness of our lives.

God loves it when we ask Him to come into our everyday to bring us the unexpected, to show up and do for us what only He can do, to lift us up above our problems and believe him to do above and beyond all we could ask or think. You could say it another way, ‘Lord come and do the unexpected just because You can.’

A giant carrot, seeing a seal, or a cart horse are simple things, but as believers we have every reason to expect God to show up in our lives to heal, deliver and rescue us from things we can’t change on our own. He encourages us in Ephesians 3:20 to believe He can and will do exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ask or imagine if we’ll release His power in us.😊

So really I believe the Lord is saying to get our expectations up as we go into a new week. Believe Him more and more to step in and do things that bless us so much they take our breath away, knowing He is looking for someone whose heart is expecting Him to intervene in their affairs, to bless them. 

Thank you Lord you are the God who does the unexpected, who surprises us with Your goodness and mercy when our hope and expectation are from you. In Jesus name. Amen.

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