Thursday, 5 September 2024


Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Just recently a lovely friend of mine made me a rag rug with the word PEACE woven into it and it’s more special because she made it especially for us. Every time I get up in the morning my feet sink down into ‘Peace’ and it’s deep and warm.😊

As I was thinking about that, the Lord reminded me that He invites us to walk in His peace every day. Jesus who is the Prince of Peace, said He was leaving His gift of peace with us and we can sink down into it because it is deep and warm as well.  

Woven into His peace is His kindness, His provision for our wholeness, His healing, with nothing missing and nothing broken. Woven into His peace is His love and the awareness of being cared for by the One who died for us so we could live with Him every day. Woven into His peace are His joy and wisdom and His pathway for our lives.

Are you getting the picture? He invites us to choose to walk in His peace today. Will we do that and choose to walk in His ways, thinking His thoughts and allow His peace to envelop us and give us rest in our souls so we, in turn, can take His peace with us to give to others? I pray we do.😊

Lord we thank you for the gift of Your peace. Help each one of us to choose to let our feet sink down into it and walk in it today. In Jesus name. Amen.


  1. Such a beautiful rag rug and you must feel so blessed to have it and a wonderful reminder of the Lord's Peace He continuely gives us all, a lovely blog from you Jackie yet again May God continue to bless you, thank you 🙏😊

  2. I am blessed indeed and thank you for your lovely comments.😊
