Monday 2 September 2024


James 2:26 NKJV For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

I’ve been thinking about FAITH and how it’s something we ‘do’ so it produces the end result. When I’m faithing something I have to counteract the doubts, the thoughts, or the negative report that’s trying to stop me from believing what I’m faithing for. It may be medical facts that are staring me in the face but I can attack the cause and the symptoms with faith in the word of God, by giving God’s Word, His promises, first place in my life above everything else. 

It may be financial struggles, or relationship upheavals but everything is subject to change when we apply our faith to them, because nothing is impossible to God.

In 1 John 5:4 God says our faith overcomes the world because it’s not how big our faith is, it’s how big our God is who we’re putting our faith in. We don’t have faith in faith but we do have faith in our God and He says even if our faith is a tiny seed in size we can still remove mountains!😊

Are you needing to do some ‘Faithing’ in your life? Are you needing to counter attack some information, some doubts, that have been holding you back, by putting your faith in the promises of God? 

If so, God is rooting for you. He’s cheering you on because He’s saying “Go for it! All things are possible to him or her who believes.”

Get a picture or photo of what you’re believing for - see it by faith and do what God says. 
Habakkuk 2:2 Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. Write it down, draw a picture of it, keep it before your eyes. Lay a hold of it with the promises of God and thank God for it even before you have it. Faith it, Speak it and Do it! Faith without works is dead faith or you could say, it won’t produce what you’re believing for.😊

As we begin another week don’t fake it till you make it, Faith it till you make it!😊 In Jesus name. Amen.

Photo: Aaron Burden at Unsplash

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