Thursday, 12 September 2024


 1 Peter 5:7 NLT Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

Don’t let it weigh you down!
Do we sometimes wake up in the morning and feel a heaviness in our spirit, like we’re under a cloud? We may not even be able to put our finger on it but we know we’re not exactly on cloud nine! Or even if we do know what the problem is, it’s at that point we have a choice to make and what we say next will play a big part in what kind of day we will have.

We are so blessed because, praise God, we have someone to take our cares to. We have a Deliverer, a Saviour, a Problem Solver, a Burden Lifter, a Provider and His name is Jesus.😊

The Holy Spirit doesn’t say to cast one or two of our burdens on the Lord! NO! He says to cast ALL our cares on to Him because nothing is too hard or too heavy for Him to deal with. He bore the weight of Calvary for us and took our sins away, anything after that could never be too hard because He has all the answers before the cares and the problems came along.

So when we wake up in the morning, and as we pray, I hope we can remind ourselves of  what God says and speak words of life to start our day off on the right foot, and smile.😊

Father, thank You that You love me, and that You are taking care of everything in my life today. I hand over all my worries and cares, the whole lot to You, and thank You that You are not just sorting them all out, but you are making lemonade out of my lemons and turning them round for good. My eyes are on You and I praise You for lifting this heavy weight off my shoulders and yoking me to Jesus today and His burden is light. Thank You for strengthening me for every battle, for providing all my needs and by faith I receive Your grace to overcome my worries and fears. Thank You Lord, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Photo by C Dustin on Unsplash

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