Saturday 28 September 2024


Luke 2:18-19 NIV and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.

Our friends in Devon had this beautiful baby owl visit their balcony a few weeks ago but he couldn’t seem to fly out of it so they had to pick him up in order to rescue him. It was one of those very special moments and thankfully he was o.k. as he flew away.😊

God gives us moments throughout our lives when something special or significant  happens and if we’re wise, we’ll not just recognise them when they happen, but we’ll tuck them away in our memories so we can think about them at a later date.

We might have a lovely memory, maybe of a holiday or a family time when something really blessed us, or of a moment He really spoke into our hearts and we were aware He was with us. I think it’s really important that we bring them to mind on those days when we might be feeling a bit low and need to think of something that will encourage us.

Paul reminds us in Philippians 4:8 to ‘Fix our thoughts on what is true, and honourable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.’ What sensible advice the Holy Spirit gives us because He knows we might have a tendency to dwell on the negative things that are happening around us and need a strong nudge to put our thoughts in the right direction again.

So my encouragement to us all today is to be like Mary, and treasure up those special moments that God gives us and think about them often, or share them with others like my friend did when she shared her amazing ‘owl’ moment. 

We can praise and thank God for them as we take them out of our memory box and enjoy ‘pondering’ on our special treasures of how God has blessed us in the past and will do, over and over again in the future. Thank You Lord.😊

Have a blessed weekend everybody.x😊

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