Sunday 15 September 2024


 Jeremiah 10:6-7 NLT
Lord there is no one like you! 
For you are great, and your name is full of power.
Who would not fear you, O King of nations?
That title belongs to you alone!
Among all the wise people of the earth,
And in all the kingdoms of the world,
There is no one like you.

All through history men have wanted to be the greatest, the most famous, the most powerful  and they still go to great lengths to try to prove that they are. Even Satan tried to be all powerful but he failed abysmally because he didn’t stand a chance. Jesus disarmed and defeated him forever when He died on the Cross and rose again.

As Jeremiah told us, there is no one like our God, no one as great, no one as powerful and when we think about that, our problems don’t seem so big. I’m so grateful that our God decided to be for us and not against us, that He decided to choose us before the world was even made. What an amazing God we have!

So, as always, we can bring our heart felt praises to the King of Kings and give Him all the glory, and all our thanks this morning, for loving us to the point of dying for us so we can be reconciled to Him for always and forever. Jesus name will always stand above them all.

Thank You Lord and help us to grasp something of Your greatness and Your immense love and mercy and grace towards us today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Photo: Jon Tyson at Unsplash

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