Monday 23 September 2024


Psalm 68:19  Blessed be the Lord who daily loads us with benefits, The God of our salvation! Selah.

We all do lots of the same things everyday and it can feel like the everydayness of our lives is a bit routine, like doing the dishes! It’s probably why explorers go off and climb Mount Everest because they can’t stand the routine of every day!

But I thank God for the everyday because we’re never on our own and He says He daily loads us with benefits. Another translation says He daily bears our burdens. The living God who called stars into being is living on the inside of each one of us who know Jesus as Saviour. We have the One who raises the dead, who makes the lame man walk, who heals all our diseases walking in us and by our side each day, so it has the potential to be anything but routine.😊

At any moment the ‘suddenlies’ of God can invade our everyday. Suddenly our health improves, or suddenly we know what to do to solve our problem, or the miraculous love of God can explode in our hearts to flow out to others who desperately need His love. Each morning we wake up to new possibilities, to new opportunities, to maybe a new friendship,  to see His mercy and grace and His blessings pour out in our lives. The possibilities are endless.

I’ve heard it said that one word from God can change your life, and God’s word will certainly change our thinking and our understanding about everything if it needs to. 

So whatever your everyday looks like, whoever you meet this week, let your Everyday God walk with you and let His love flow out of you and you may even have one of His lovely ‘suddenlies’ appear and you’ll ‘suddenly’ feel better because you realise someone is praying for you.😊

Have a blessed week.😊

Photo by Dmitriy Suponnikov on Unsplash 

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