Sunday, 10 March 2024


Matthew 23:37 
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God’s messengers! 
How often I have wanted to gather your children together 
as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, 
but you would not let me.

I’ve been making little hens as well this past week and they reminded me of when Jesus was looking out over a rebellious Jerusalem and He mentioned a hen and her chicks.

Jesus gives us a glimpse in this verse into His heart of compassion for the lost, for the ones who keep turning Him away. Our God is so faithful to us all and He never gives up on us no matter how lost we may be. He will keep coming after us, regardless of how far away we have strayed or rebelled, or whether we’ve even given up on life, or God Himself.

What Jesus did on the Cross cancelled all of what blocks us. He forgave us every sin, every failure, every weakness and then promptly chose to forget about them. That is so powerful because when we believe that truth, the enemy no longer has any hold over our lives, our minds or our actions. Our past is washed away. Jesus truly sets us free!

No matter what the hold was that Satan had over us, its power has been totally broken and destroyed by the blood of Jesus. He took all our hurts and offences, our shame, our regrets and our guilt and He said “It is finished, the job is done, all wiped out, all dealt with, past present and future.

If you’ve never made Jesus the Lord of your life, or you want to recommit your life to Him because you’ve been wandering away, maybe you’d like to do it now and let Him bring you home to His Father? I pray none of us wants to be like the people of Jerusalem who were so stubborn they wouldn’t let Jesus rescue them and gather them under His wings.

If you need a fresh start may I invite you to pray this prayer, “Lord Jesus thank You for going to the Cross for me, for never giving up on me, for giving me another chance. I believe God raised You from the dead and I want to accept Your offer today. Come into my life Lord and make me into the person You want me to be. I repent of my sin and my stubbornness and I give my life to You. Thank You for rescuing me and making me a child of God.  In Jesus name. Amen.”

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