Job 8:21 He will yet fill your mouth with laughing, And your lips with rejoicing.
The Lord seems to remind me regularly about laughing and He tells us that a merry heart does us good like a medicine.(Proverbs 17:22) In other words when we hear laughter, or let ourselves laugh about even the silly little things that happen in life, it will bring healing with it. If you know someone who’s poorly, go and tell them something to make them laugh!😊When was the last time you had a really good laugh? I remember years ago being plagued by a wild mouse. Every night he would raid the food cupboard and no matter what I did I couldn’t catch him and I was getting majorly stressed about it! I tried everything and even sat up into the small hours one night, hiding crouched down behind a barricade of cushions I’d made, intending to pounce on him! Honestly, what a ninny! I wish you’d seen it!🤣
Too long a story to tell how I finally caught him but shortly after that I happened to watch a film called Mousehunt about two men also trying to catch a mouse and as I watched their frantic antics, which I so identified with, I suddenly saw the funny side of it all and I laughed till I nearly rolled off my seat!🤣
Really serious things do happen though and we think we’re not being responsible unless we go around worrying. But Jesus, and the Holy Spirit through Paul, said the opposite. They said “Cheer Up! Rejoice! ”
We don’t always ‘feel’ like it though do we and that’s when we have to actively do something about it! Maybe we need to find something to laugh at, just anything, to get our laugh working again. (a clip from that film is below and it might make you laugh)
We know fretting doesn’t help, but if we’ll take our eyes off the problem and put them on how powerful God is, we’ll remember He’s watching over everything that concerns us and can trust Him to sort it out.
Let’s turn it around today and still enjoy our lives. We can choose to laugh in the face of the enemy, and declare our God is bigger, stronger, mightier than whatever we’re facing and release the stress relieving, healing power of the laughter God says He’s filling our mouths with.
Perhaps we need to lighten up a bit and let the Lord’s supernatural joy be released from inside us. I know I need to remember that when things are getting tense!🙂 Chris would also appreciate it if I would remember it too!🤣🤣
Have a blessed weekend and remember Jesus said to cheer up, it’s ok to laugh in the midst of our difficulties, and it’s still ok to smile, so I’m sending you two of mine.x😊😊
Mousehunt clip:
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