Monday, 11 March 2024


Psalm 27:7-8 (NLT) Hear me as I pray, O Lord. Be merciful and answer me! My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “Lord I am coming.”

You may have a busy week scheduled with work or family commitments or have a telephone appointment booked where we have to discuss things over the phone. But in the midst of all that activity the Lord is reminding us today that He is speaking and calling to us all, all the time, and He’s saying “Come and talk with Me.” He wants our hearts to be like a ‘first responder’ where we respond immediately to His call.

Notice though it doesn’t say come and talk to Me, where we do all the talking. No, He is inviting us to talk with Him, to a two way conversation.🙂 God wants to talk with you and me just like we talk with our best friend where we can tell them anything and we know they will listen, even if they don’t understand. 

The good news is, whenever we talk to God, we can know He not only always understands where we’re coming from, He actually understands us because He made us, and if we have questions, we know He has the answers and the wisdom we need as well. We also know we can receive more grace, more help when we need it, if we’ll go and spend time and talk with Him, and actually listen for His answers instead of just dashing off to the next activity. I know I’ve done that!

Maybe He wants to talk with us because He wants to tell us how special we are to Him, how much He loves us, or perhaps He has something on His mind that He’d like us to do for Him. Maybe He has someone He’d like us to ring up, or go and visit. Perhaps He needs us to pray for someone to give them moral support or to just tell them how much He loves them too.

It’s not all about us, is it? Although we can all forget that sometimes when ‘life’ is happening all around us!🙂  So, are we listening? He’s talking to you and me today. He’s saying “Come and talk with Me” and His invitation is open 24/7.

No matter what your busy or quiet schedule is for this coming week I pray our hearts are like first responders, answering immediately with “Lord I am coming. I want to talk with You too.” I know we wont regret it.🙂

Have a blessed week.🙂

Photo by Jackson Simmer on Unsplash

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