Tuesday, 5 March 2024


2 Samuel 23:11-12 Next in rank was Shammah…One time the Philistines gathered at Lehi and attacked the Israelites in a field full of lentils. The Israelite army fled, but Shammah held his ground in the middle of the field and beat back the Philistines. So the Lord brought about a great victory.

This story has always fascinated me because it’s so encouraging to see what can happen when one person believes he can make a difference and is prepared to do something about it. We can all take heart because the Lord is showing us there’s something about standing our ground and not letting the enemy trample all over us that allows the Lord to bring us great victory. Not just victory but great victory!

Ephesians 6:14 Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armour of God’s righteousness. If we’re wanting to see the victory in our own lives or those we’re praying for, we are going to have to put our armour on and stand our ground against the enemy! 

It means even when we don’t see things change immediately, when the illness is still in full view, when we don’t feel like it and when we do, we need to dig our heels in, like Shammah, and say:

No devil, I resist you and you have to flee. My God has given me a great victory through the Cross and there’s nothing you can do about it. I call myself an overcomer because that’s who God says I am, and I am overcoming this sickness, this disease by the shed blood of Jesus. It is written ‘By His wounds we are healed.’ 

I am overcoming this mountain of difficulty by telling it to be uprooted and removed because that’s what Jesus told me to do. I will not back down from God’s promises, they are my sure foundation and my God is backing ever single one of them.

I will see the goodness of God in the land of the living. I have been given the victory. I’m not trying to get it. Jesus has already given it to me and I’m standing my ground to protect it.

Jesus is the Victor and I am ‘in Him’ so I win in His strength, His power. He is the Mighty One and He is my Helper, my Strengthener, my Upholder.”

Are we listening? He is telling us that you and I are on the victory side where no foe can defeat us. We’re protected by angels, covered by the protection of the blood of Jesus. God has given us strength for every battle, we have the name of Jesus and in His name we stand our ground this day and every day He gives to us.🙂

Glory to God! Soldiers of Christ arise and put your armour on! In His strength we are victors not victims. Thank You Jesus for the victory of the Cross! Together we will not just stand our ground but I believe we will gain ground in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

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