Saturday, 9 March 2024


1 Timothy 6:17 Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy.

As you may know I enjoy making all kinds of crafts, and recently I’ve been having some fun making little Blessing Bunnies of different varieties which I’m going to be giving away.πŸ™‚

How about you? What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? I know different seasons mean we don’t always have a lot of spare time but it’s important to have a regular break to recharge our batteries. For some it might be walking or fishing or playing sports, or making yummy cakes or funny bunnies!😊

Scripture says God gave us all things to enjoy so we don’t need to feel guilty when we do! He knows we need to have some rest and relaxation as well as doing all the serious stuff, and if we don’t do that, we can become stressed and uptight or even unwell. God actually commanded us to have a day off once a week because He designed us to need a rest and we need to follow the Maker’s instructions! He never designed us to be workaholics, so it’s a deception of the enemy if we feel we have to be.πŸ™‚

He gave us Sunday for us to take our eyes off all our problems and put them back on Him. We can worship Him because He loves us so much and He knows it will help us bring things back into perspective when we remember He is the Source of everything we have and everything we shall ever need, and He is going ahead of us into our coming week.

So maybe we can take a few minutes out of our day to do something we enjoy, or to stop and listen to birds singing in the hedgerows. Perhaps it could be to go outside on a dark night and count the stars and remember the One who put them there, or sit and count our blessings.

Whatever it is for you, take some time this weekend to turn off the screens and the phones and be still; take a few deep breaths and know that God is still God, He still loves you, He always will, and He’s right there enjoying the moment with you. Our hearts can worship Him every day of the week because His heart is always to bless us and do us good. What a lovely thought.πŸ™‚

Have a blessed weekend.x

Blessing Bunnies. Which one would you choose? 
Maybe you can let me know?πŸ™‚


  1. Hello J.B thank you for this blog it's really inspiring and helps me keep on track with God. As for the bunnies I like the smaller ones πŸ‡Gods Blessings

  2. I’m always encouraged when I hear my Blog helps anyone and praise God for it. Thank you.πŸ™‚Glad you like the little bunnies. Wish I could send you one.πŸ™‚

  3. Oh that would be wonderful 😊

  4. Do you live in Uk or know anyone who knows me? Because then they could let me have your address and I could send you one.😊

  5. Oh that would be lovely. Yes my friend sends me your blog every day and she is a friend of yours. I will contact her. My name is Denise.

  6. That’s great. I’ll wait to hear from her.😊x
