Friday, 15 March 2024


Isaiah 40:31 But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint.

We used to have a budgie years ago who definitely didn’t see himself as a budgie! He acted like he owned the place and would stand under the mixer tap in the kitchen for a shower then let us blow dry his feathers with a hairdryer like he was ‘somebody’ but he was a real entertainment.😊

I wonder, how do we see ourselves, because how we see ourselves will determine how we behave too. Did you know, we are history makers as our actions and words affect those around us each day. God says we have rivers of life flowing in us and out of us  into the world we rub shoulders with. We carry His anointing, His grace, and His love which can change the atmosphere wherever we are. It’s quite a thought isn’t it? 

When God saved us He enabled us to rise up above our circumstances like an eagle, to sit in heavenly places at the right hand of the Father with Jesus. He put His eternal life, His resurrection power inside us and it’s flowing to every cell of our bodies bringing healing and wholeness. Jesus said we, as believers, can even lay hands on the sick and it will flow out of us to them! Mind soaring thoughts aren’t they?😊 

Can I hear you say, “Well it doesn’t feel like it Jackie!” But we’re not called to walk by feelings, or by what we see. We’re Believers, New Creations in Christ, and He tells us to walk by faith in a mighty God. His truth will set us free from our ‘feelings’ of mediocrity, or inadequacy or whatever holds us down. 

God never called us to peck around in the hen coup, He called us to soar like an eagle. We can ask the Lord to help us ‘see’ ourselves high above our circumstances, above our limitations and let Him take those limitations off. See ourselves healed, receiving His promises, being a channel of God’s goodness and grace to those around us.

God doesn’t want us to see ourselves as chickens who can’t fly! When we’re tired and worn out He wants us to see ourselves as being daily renewed in strength by Him, mounting up with wings like eagles, being refreshed by Him so we can run and not be weary, who walk and not faint. 

We can only do that as we spend time with the Lord and believe we are who God says we are. He says our youth will be renewed like the eagle’s and He will lift us up to new heights in Him. I’d like to learn to soar like an eagle, how about you? Help us Lord to learn. Amen.

Photo: Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

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