Tuesday, 19 March 2024


2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realise what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.

Do you find the Lord really challenges you about some things? The way we think, the things we say and how we say them? God never condemns us which brings guilt and punishment, but He does convict us which brings growth and change. He’ll often use scripture to do it, because He says it’s useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, which covers everything! The thing is, we have to allow it to do all those things, even when it makes us uncomfortable.😊

Now and again I have a ‘scratchy feeling’ on the inside that something is not right, I’ve lost my peace and I have to stop and ask the Lord what’s wrong because I know I’ve missed it somewhere. I may have heard something that upset me and it’s caused fear, or it might be I’ve said something upsetting and I need to say sorry. I just know He’s trying to get my attention and He often uses His Word to do it. I hope you can identify.😊

Some days when I write the Blogs I feel so challenged myself  because I know He can be speaking to me first, as well as anyone who reads it.

We all want to uplift people and not upset them, but there are times when God knows what we need and He’s willing to ‘upset’ us in order for us to then move forward and be uplifted. So when we read things in scripture or we hear a speaker say something that upsets or stretches our thinking, let’s have a soft heart that is teachable and not be hard hearted to whatever God wants to say and do in our lives.

Jesus said some hard things sometimes and people were upset and just left Him because they didn’t like what He said and didn’t want to change. He challenged his disciples on one occasion and asked them if they were going to abandon Him as well, but thankfully they stuck with Him.

Lord when you challenge our thinking and correct us, help us to stick with You and let You take us from upset to uplifted and help us to grow and bear much fruit for You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Photo: Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

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