Monday, 4 March 2024


Psalm 95:7 For He is our God, And we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand.

We all look at woolly sheep and think how cute they are but we had neighbours once who had  two sheep called Samson and Delilah! They lived at the bottom of our garden and although they looked cuddly I discovered they were a bit smelly!

We’re told sheep instinctively know to look to their shepherd for absolutely everything because they’re a bit helpless on their own, and will run to him because they know his voice.  All through scripture God calls us His sheep and Jesus called Himself our Good Shepherd. Throughout Psalm 23 David gives us a great picture of how we are, as one of God’s sheep, and what He does for us all. Psalm 23:1 The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.

Jesus says His sheep hear His voice and we can confidently look to Him to supply whatever we need for our day. Our Good Shepherd supplies our physical and spiritual food, our protection, our leading and guiding and if we get lost we know He will come and not just find us, but rescue us as well. It’s great being one of His sheep!🙂

If you feel a bit lost today, or a bit bewildered by all that’s happening around you, then call to Him and He will hear your voice and come to rescue you. If you have a dark valley He promises He will actually walk through it with you and bring you safely out.

He says He has prepared a feast for you even in the middle of it all and whatever is overwhelming you right now will be wonderfully replaced by His overwhelming goodness and mercy.

Praise God we have a Good Shepherd, His name is Jesus and He wants us to call on Him today. He wants us to know He is here for us, right now and He invites us to allow Him to restore our souls and let Him lead us into that place of resting in Him. 

Isaiah 40:11(NIV) He tends His flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart…. 

Why not take a few minutes and let Him pour His peace back in to your heart, and all through the coming week know He’s holding you close to His heart and you’re safe in His hands. 

Have a blessed week.😊

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