Sunday, 24 March 2024


Psalm 30:4 (NLT)
Sing to the Lord, all you godly ones! Praise his holy name.

I was listening to Josue Avila singing worship songs and on his Tshirt it said ‘If you’re going to talk about somebody today talk about Jesus.’ That really struck me. Do we go to church or wherever we go each day and talk about everything under the sun, but not about how good Jesus had been to us all, and how wonderful He is?

That Tshirt reminded me that it’s all about Jesus, all about His grace, His goodness, and His great love for us. He sang ‘I sing praises to Your name, for Your name is great and greatly to be praised.’

It would be great if our conversation was about Jesus today because beside Him everything else is not so important. There is nobody like our God. He is the only One worthy of all our praise. He is the One who even gives us the breath we breathe …for in Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28) In the busyness of each day do we sometimes forget every part of our lives, our very existence, is in Him.😊 

When we hear about sickness, let’s talk about Jesus our Healer. When we hear about any problem let’s talk about how Jesus will help us overcome it, provide for it, and give us the victory over it. Let’s talk about Jesus being the answer to it, about Jesus, the Great I AM. Praise the name of Jesus.😊

Father help us today to have our priorities right and remember it’s all about Jesus, and the wonders of Your grace and Your mercy towards us. Help us to not worry about the other things that are going on but to let them go in the wonder of Your presence and the great love You have for us. In Jesus Name Amen.

 Here is the link if you’d like to listen:

Photo: Edward Cisneros on Unsplash

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