Tuesday, 25 October 2022


Jeremiah 31:3 I have loved you with an everlasting love; ...."
Colossians 3:12 So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved,....

All through life we find people labelling us according to their estimation which isn't always flattering! We may even label and limit ourselves too. In my school days, teachers were quite likely to tell you you were useless or that you wouldn't amount to anything! That happened to my sister and she went on to become a brilliant teacher herself and proved them wrong!

How about you? Have you ever been 'labelled' in a hurtful way, called names, made to feel less than or ridiculed? The world can be so ready to label us and put us in a box "too old, too young, too stupid, too big, too small, too quiet, too anything...! But God doesn't want us with any label other than His own because He's made us so much bigger than any of those and we belong to Him. 

The wonderful news for us as Christians is that God has taken all those old labels off us, no matter what kind they were, and He has put His own label on us instead. We're wearing His designer label! What is it?

"My Beloved". That wipes away everything else in one fell swoop because it's all that matters. We may not be the cleverest or best looking, or the most able, but as far as God is concerned we are His workmanship, made in His image, fearfully and wonderfully made and the best thing of all is, we are His "Beloved".  Beloved is an old fashioned word but it expresses how much we mean to God, how deeply and dearly He loves us and how very precious we are to Him.

So no matter what anyone calls you, or has called you in the past, remember your God given label and stand tall in Jesus, in His righteousness today, knowing that God loves you with an everlasting love and that you are God's Beloved! 😊

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