Thursday, 6 October 2022


Colossians 3:16 Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.

Paul goes on to give us some more very sound advice. Yesterday he told us to 'let' peace have control over us and today he's saying 'let' the rich message about Christ fill our lives.

This verse challenged me to think 'What is filling my life?' Very often our lives are 'filled' with all the everyday issues that demand our attention which we can't avoid but I think he's saying if we remember to let the good news about Jesus being our Deliverer, Provider, Protector, Healer, etc. be at the front of our minds, the other issues wont grow so big, we'll keep them in perspective.

He knows the power of spiritual songs that keep going over and over in our heads, how they encourage us and remind us about Jesus all the time and because of that they prompt us to be thankful to God. We have an amazing privilege to be part of God's family, to be loved and chosen by Him but he tells us to go on and encourage one another to not forget it, especially when things are looking tough.

If God has shown us something then let's pass it on to someone else to help build them up too. We're all in this together and we all have a part to play. It's amazing how sharing some little thing that the Lord has done in our lives can so encourage someone else in their walk with the Lord so how about sending  a text or Whatsapp or card and share something lovely, however small, with someone else.

We can choose to go into our day with a song in our hearts, and encourage each other with thankfulness to God for all He's done. And here's a couple of songs to maybe help.😊

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