Tuesday, 4 October 2022


Colossians 3:14 Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. 

When we get dressed in the morning we choose the clothes most suited to our day. We'd look a bit silly wearing party clothes if we're digging out weeds in the garden like I was doing yesterday!

In the same way God has told us what we need to wear every single day of our lives and if we're wise we'll put it on first thing in the morning before anything else. So when we wake up and get dressed tomorrow, let's remember the Holy Spirit has put God's love in our hearts already, mentally see ourselves clothed and wrapped in it, and then put on everything else on top. I'll probably need a sticky note saying 'Put on love first' to remind me!

God tells us that His love will bind us all together in perfect harmony which is definitely something we all need and want, especially if it's in short supply at our work, home or even church, for some reason. We all know atmospheres can feel a bit strained sometimes but He says His love will bind us back together.

So just in case we forgot to put our love clothes on today let's do it now. Oh and don't forget that tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience all come with it!😊

Lord we see ourselves wrapped up in Your love and just ask that it will fill us up so Your loving-kindness overflows to everyone we meet today and if there's any strife help us bring peace and harmony wherever we go. Thank You Lord. Amen. 

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