Monday, 17 October 2022


Psalm 108:12-13 Oh, please help us against our enemies, for all human help is useless. With God's help we will do mighty things, for he will trample down our foes.

Have you ever wanted to do mighty things? Another translation says we will do 'valiantly' with God's help, which means we'll do it with courage and determination, but we're often tempted to think what can one person do, what difference can I make and tend to do nothing! The answer to that is, when we all do our bit, when we work together, we can make a difference in the lives of others.

We were given an example of it in the last war when a huge fleet of little boats sailed across the English Channel to rescue 300,000 British soldiers at Dunkirk. I've just been reading about it and it's so inspiring what people can do when they all play their part and do what they are able to do, however small, with such courage and determination.

Many of those little boats were only built for river cruising but were willing to sail across the open sea right on to the beaches where the black smoke hung in the air from the bombs being dropped all around them. Even though many had no training, no experience, nevertheless they rescued countless thousands of soldiers from certain death. They made the difference!

As we start our new week we can know that we too can make a difference in this world when we remember that God is the One helping us and because the Light of Jesus is in us wherever we go shining out, even though we may not realise it.

With God's help we can make a difference.😊

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