The other day I heard someone say "The blessing of God does not cease, it never ends" and it really encouraged me so I thought I'd pass it on. It's a little reminder that God's blessing is ours for always because we believe and have put our trust in Jesus.
He says His blessings are on the head of the righteous, (Proverbs 10:6) and because Jesus has given us His gift of righteousness we qualify for all those blessings, which is wonderful!
He says we're blessed coming in and blessed going out (Deuteronomy 28:6) Wouldn't it be good to have a poster of that on our front door?
God says the blessing of the Lord makes us rich and He adds no sorrow with it. (Proverbs 10:22). The word for rich in this verse is the same word used to describe Abraham being given silver and gold and made very rich by God in Gen. 24:35. What a great blessing to take a hold of because He wants to bless us so we can be a blessing to others!
God will guarantee a blessing on everything you do...(Deuteronomy 28:8) I think the secret to receiving these blessings is to be constantly reminding ourselves of them and receiving them by faith daily. No matter what we have to do throughout our day, under our breath we can be saying, "Thank You Lord You're blessing everything I do today."
He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.(Ephesians 1:3) Included within those spiritual blessings are all the physical ones as well so if there's a blessing mentioned in scripture it belongs to us because of Jesus and we're 'in Him'.
Aren't we just wonderfully blessed people? And because we're so blessed we can go out this week and be a blessing to others and share the love of God with them too.
Enjoy your BLESSED week.😊x