John 14:6 NLT Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.
Just up the road from us is a cemetery and we see Rolls Royce limousine hearses and even horse drawn glass carriage hearses go by. Whether people are carried in a posh limo, glass carriage, or an ordinary hearse, they have all gone to where they chose to go - Heaven or Hell.
Gosh it sounds rather blunt, even shocking, but we need to think about it! Jesus spoke about Hell more than any anyone else in the Bible!
God says there is only one way to Heaven and that’s by believing Jesus took all our sin at the Cross, in our place. When we believe that and ask Him to forgive our sins, to be our personal Saviour, He washes all our sins away, He rescues us from going to Hell, and we’re on our way to Heaven. That’s good news, but we have to choose!😊
God doesn’t want anyone to go to Hell so He gives us all an invitation to go to Heaven, but we can’t drift into Heaven, or get in by good works, or ‘hope so’, or because we go to church, or because granny was a Christian.😊
Our way into heaven is certain when we make Jesus our Saviour and trust Him for the forgiveness of our sins, and know His shed blood has paid the price for the punishment we deserved.
If you were to die tonight where would you go? Have you answered the RSVP on God’s invitation and decided to invite Jesus into your life and have your sins forgiven? We none of us know when we shall breathe our last breath and we need to be ready, we need to know where we’re going!
God has given us all free choice, and He so wants us to be with Him. I once heard someone ask what is there in Hell that makes anybody want to go there? Even if people feel they deserve to go there, God doesn’t think so, He has already given us His forgiveness, but we have to accept it. His arms of love are wide open waiting for us. The choice is ours, but we need to decide, and I invite you to choose Jesus today.😊
If you want to do that please pray this prayer from your heart. “God I’m sorry for my sins and I ask You to forgive me. I believe Jesus went to the Cross for my sake and I believe Jesus rose from the dead. I ask Jesus to come into my life and wash me clean and I make Jesus my Lord and Saviour and thank You I’m on my way to Heaven. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
Photo by Kaileen Fitzpatrick on Unsplash
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