Tuesday, 25 February 2025


1 Samuel 17:33 NLT “Don’t be ridiculous!” Saul replied. “There’s no way you can fight this Philistine and possibly win! You’re only a boy, and he’s been a man of war since his youth.”

When Walt Disney first designed Mickey Mouse he was more or less told not to be ridiculous as women especially wouldn’t like a giant mouse on screen!🀣

No doubt we have all come across situations where someone has said, “Don’t be ridiculous! No way! You can’t do that!”  - people like Gladys Aylward who wanted to go as a missionary to China but was told she was being ridiculous but she did it anyway. 

Nothing is ridiculous where God is concerned. If He has promised it or commissioned it, then it can be done!

As I read in vs.38-39 about David being kitted out with Saul’s armour and weaponry, it struck me how he realised he couldn’t do it by trying to be like someone else. He knew he just needed to be himself, regardless of the odds stacked against him! 

I find that so encouraging because it’s all God asks of us, to just be ourselves, regardless of our shortcomings, and remember He has chosen us, appointed us and anointed us for whatever He calls us to do. 

David had been called from obscurity out in the fields, he was the least in his own father’s eyes, the last to be presented to Samuel as a possible king, but he was God’s chosen man. His family thought it was ridiculous, but God didn’t!

God often uses the overlooked, the least likely, sometimes even the least qualified, and He tells us what He wants us to do. We might be believing for a miracle or to do something new, and people may tell us not to be ridiculous, but we can remember David and believe and do it anyway! If someone had said to me five years ago I’d be writing a blog everyday, I’d have said don’t be ridiculous! But God said do it, so with His help I do.😊

What is God asking you to do, or to believe for? Are you facing a giant of some kind? Does it seem a bit ridiculous or impossible? If so, just look at David, be yourself, and know that all things are possible with our God and believe for it, and do it anyway. Why Not? Amen.

Photo by Leighann Blackwood on Unsplash

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