Luke 5:4 NKJV When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”
The disciples had been fishing all night long but the fish just weren’t there and they were tired and downhearted. Ever been there? You’re doing your best but nothing is working? Jesus comes along and borrows Simon’s boat and then tells him to launch out deeper, further, and to cast out his nets again!
Even though Simon was fed up he says, v.5 NKJV “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.” You can almost see him begrudgingly throw out the nets again although the NKJV says he only cast out one net!
Well he caught so many fish the net began to break so he had to ask his mates in the other boats to come and help him bring in the haul, so the blessing extended to others as well. You see, Jesus knew what was coming! There was a ‘Woohoo’ moment coming!😊
I wonder is the Lord telling you to do something, but you’re tired, or things haven’t gone as well as you’d hoped, or maybe you’re not sure you can do it? God wants to encourage you to try again, to think bigger, to go beyond where you are now, to believe and expect far more than you ever thought possible, regardless of your circumstances.
The day Jesus told Simon to throw out the nets again He had something far bigger in mind. He wanted to provide enough to pay all their bills and be a blessing to others while He was about it!
You might be mooring in the shallows, when God is saying to you to launch out into the deep. It may mean trying something new, going for a different type of job, or opening a business. It may be to give a gift of money, to volunteer at church, or write a book or a song, but whatever it is, He’s saying try again! Don’t give up and don’t you dare give in to discouragement!😊
Now keep reminding yourself all through the day, ‘God is for me, not against me. I’m a child of the Most High God, His favour surrounds me like a shield and His good plans are coming my way.”
Lord show us what You want us to do and give us the courage to step out in faith and do it. In Jesus name. Amen.
Photo by Daniel Ian on Unsplash
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