I was listening to a testimony of a lady who had been raised to be afraid of the devil, afraid of God, and to believe God wanted to punish her. Over two years, while listening to a Christian Radio Broadcast, she learned that it was all untrue, that God loved her to the utmost and had a plan for her life.😊
The Lord took her to Kenya and for a long time now she has taken in orphan children and is changing their lives one by one. She raises them as her own, teaching them that God loves them and has a good plan and purpose for each one of them.God told her something that really resonated with me. He said, “I haven’t brought you to Kenya to change Kenya, but to change a few lives.”
That’s all God asks us to do, is to change lives wherever He puts us. He asks us to tell them the good news about Jesus, to give them hope, whether it’s in the workplace, through a text, or talking to someone at a bus stop. We are Jesus carriers, good news bringers, and we can do whatever God asks of us with His help and His grace.
We know it’s only Jesus can change lives but we’re called to show them the love of God and His forgiveness, and we’re all able to tell them of how good God has been to us.😊
Lord help us to make a difference wherever we find ourselves and allow You to change some lives for Your glory. Amen.
Photo: Damian Patkowski on Unsplash
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