Saturday, 22 February 2025


Psalm 45:1 NIV … my tongue is the pen of a skilful writer.

“Let’s turn the page to an epic chapter called ‘Today’.”  I read that quote yesterday and it made me think!😊…

The God who holds the universe together, is walking with us through today and every day, and He holds our personal world together as well, so anything is possible!

Every day of our lives is another page in our book of life. Some of it will be decided by the choices we make, but just as importantly, how we react to the things that happen. We know we can’t always control our situations but we can control our attitude to them!😊

Just because someone is unpleasant to us doesn’t mean we have to behave the same way, tempting though it might be! It’s amazing how a smile can make a difference and kindness can be as contagious as meanness. We might tip the balance for someone by showing understanding rather than condemnation and instead of being the last straw in someone’s day let’s be the breakthrough for them that lifts them back up.

The Psalmist says we write with our tongues and what we say goes into our hearts and eventually shows up in our lives. So what are we going to say that will show up on the page of our book today? Let’s speak words of faith that will lead into adventures into the unknown, or ask God for a fresh vision of where He wants to take us as our pages turn.

Let’s begin today’s page with “I’m surrounded by God’s favour so I’m going to have a great day.” How about “I can do all things today with God’s help”, or “I’m blessed going out and blessed coming in today” or “Thank You Lord for all You’ve done for me.”😊

We can start each day off right with the One who tells us we’re an overcomer, that God loves us, that He is for us all the time!

We can expect the next chapter to be a page turner because God’s plans for us are always good. So why not write another page of your book today with the help of the Holy Spirit and let Him give you the words to speak, and the things to do, and one day it will be a best seller!😊

Have a blessed weekend.x

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