John 8:31-32 NLT Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. 32 And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
The other day in a prayer meeting, I heard someone say, “Nothing is holding us back except ourselves” and it went off in my spirit. I just knew the Lord was talking to me!
There are times when we know the Lord is wanting us to go in a certain direction, but we feel we have a blocker on us which comes from inside. It’s not necessarily what others have said, or even the circumstances, but the enemy has somehow established a stronghold of negative or misguided thinking, or perhaps a bad attitude in us, maybe due to past experiences, which in turn, stop us from moving forward. Anyone identify?
When we recognise it, we can go to the Lord and ask Him to show us what to do about it, because we know for sure, He is not the one holding us back.😊
When God brings something to light then we need to be honest enough to acknowledge it, so we can deal with it, and bring it out into the open so we can be rid of it! We don’t want to sweep it under the carpet, tempting though it may be, so I dealt with it straight away.
The enemy loves it when he manages to con us into wearing a mask, which I think a lot of people do. It’s a mask of “I’m fine” when we’re probably not ‘fine’ at all! His strategy is for things to be kept hidden, but when we tell somebody we trust, and bring it out into the open, the enemy loses his grip and it sets us free, but the more we bottle it up, the worse it becomes!
If, or when, you have one of those light bulb moments, when you realise God is asking you to sort something out, or if you’re fed up wearing a mask, find someone you know you can trust to talk to about it. Allow the Holy Spirit to minister His freedom into your heart so you can walk free of it, like I did earlier this week. You’ll be glad you did because Jesus came to set us free.😊 Amen.
Photo by Jessica Rockowitz on Unsplash
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