Monday, 24 February 2025


Romans 12:1-2 NIV Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

We all love to see God’s promises when they become reality in our lives but I read this by Jack Hayford ‘To receive the promise means we make way for the transformation.’ 

It made me realise that in order for God to fulfil His promises He may need us to make way for them, to allow Him to transform our thinking in order for us to receive those promises. 

How we think is key to receiving from God. When we agree with His Word, whether our life looks like it yet or not, then we open the door to the promise. When we insist on seeing things from the flesh standpoint, complaining about what we ‘see or feel’ then we’re living by sight, not by faith.

God loves to respond to our faith, and He says not to cast away our confidence in Him. Are we allowing the enemy to dictate to us, or allowing God to transform us in our thinking. If we’re miserable we’ve been listening to the wrong voice and thinking the wrong thoughts.  

Are we willing to change our attitudes and our thinking and declare the promises of God for healing and wholeness and provision are all still yes and amen in Jesus? Are we willing to be transformed by the renewing of our minds by the Word of God when things don’t look like it? Jesus said we can’t put new wine in old wine skins!

Maybe we need to ask God to give us a new wine skin, a new thought process, to allow the promise to pour into? If our old wine skin is a bit rigid and inflexible then we need a new one! Perhaps we shouldn’t be complaining because the promise is taking so long, but rather finding out if we’re the ones holding it up?😊

As we begin another week we know God only wants the best for us, and His timing is always spot on. So let’s open up God’s word which will open up our minds to His transformation and rest in the knowledge that all things are working together for the good of those who love Him, who are in Christ Jesus, which is a promise.😊 Amen.

Photo by Stephen Rheeder on Unsplash

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