Saturday, 27 April 2024


Zechariah 4:10 For who has despised the day of small things?

Have you ever noticed how something small can bring a lot of pleasure?
 Sometimes an unexpected little gift can make people smile just as much as a big one. I make really small teddy bears and give them away here and there and they often have the same reaction - a big smile - whether it’s for a child or for a grown up who seem to like them too. Maybe it’s because there’s a bit of a kid in all of us, so here are two of a new design I’m trying out.😊

God designed the little things just like He designed the big ones and He tells us not to despise the day of small things, of small beginnings. God is interested in all the small details of our lives as well as the big events. Like when Jesus noticed the widow who gave what she had, a penny, like when we make some progress in controlling our temper, or being more patient, God notices because it means our fruit is growing and He’s pleased.

To despise something means to undervalue it and sometimes we even do that with our own efforts, or someone else might have undervalued us. Maybe you’ve had an idea, or started a project, or a business, or you’ve started training in some way, or maybe you’ve started reading the bible or praying more and you think you’ve made such small progress. Well God says don’t undervalue where you’re at with it all, don’t despise your small beginnings. He will make it flourish.😊

I’ve had to do that with my Blog. I started with a handful of kind people reading it and so often I nearly gave up but gradually God has been increasing it, little by little. Listen to what He says to each one of us … Job 8 :7 (NKJV) Though your beginning was small, Yet your latter end would increase abundantly. Here’s a different translation saying the same thing….Job 8:7 (NLT) And though you started with little, you will end with much.

Have you started something with little or want to start something but think you don’t have enough of whatever you need? If so, can I encourage you, no matter what path you have started on, and even if you see no immediate progress, don’t ever give up. Keep taking another step. Don’t undervalue where you’re at right now but know that God is working behind the scenes bringing His promises to pass and working His purposes out as we stay in faith. 

Have a very blessed weekend.x

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