Friday, 5 April 2024


Joshua 4:23 (NLT) For the Lord your God dried up the river right before your eyes, and he kept it dry until you were all across, just as he did at the Red Sea when he dried it up until we had all crossed over.

God did it again! He took them across the Red Sea and now He’d just taken them across a flooding River Jordan, and on dry ground too, not up to their ankles or knees with waves splashing them. No! God always does things thoroughly, not half a job! 

Maybe God has done something wonderful for you in the past where He rescued or delivered you out of an impossible situation, and now something else has cropped up? You’re under attack again in some area and the enemy is saying “God won’t help you this time!” 

Well, I’m here to remind you the enemy is a liar. God is the one who never changes, that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and what He has done before He will do it again! That’s a word for someone today.

He will rescue and deliver you just as He did before. Even if you can’t see how it can happen, it’s just like when Pharaoh’s army was behind the children of Israel, thundering after them in state of the art chariots, and in front of them was an ocean. Does it feel like that with you? 

Well I have good news. What God did for the Israelites He’s about to do for you. He is taking you across on dry land and if He has to move an ocean of disease or whatever is blocking you, He will. He has your back and whatever the enemy is thundering in your ears, you will see him silenced and wiped out by the power of God.

Rise up in faith, He has you safe in the palm of His hand. He is your Deliverer, your Saviour and He loves you to the Cross and back. It’s been written in Jesus’ blood - He is the God who loves you, saves you, delivers you and heals you.

Thank You Lord, our eyes are on You and we trust You. You’ve rescued us before and You will do it again. We know You are with us and no weapon formed against us will succeed. In Jesus’ Name Amen.

Photo: Photo by Liv Hema on Unsplash

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