Tuesday, 2 April 2024


Psalm 18:18-19 They attacked me at a moment when I was in distress, but the Lord supported me. He led me to a place of safety; he rescued me because he delights in me. 

When you imagine different scenarios that are going to be happening in your life, do you tend to think things will go well or do you lean more to thinking things won’t go smoothly? I know I have to fight my negative leanings on a daily basis!🙂

The ladies going to the tomb that Sunday morning were distressed, expecting difficulties, because they were asking each other how they would get into the tomb. Interestingly, they were going anyway, believing they would somehow be able to do it, but how sad and heavy hearted they must have been.

Sometimes when we are at our most vulnerable, at a point of great sadness or distress, or not being able to see beyond the next five minutes, it’s at those moments when we need to remember we have a God who goes before us, who supports and cares deeply about us.

If things seem a bit daunting in your life take heart and do what those ladies did. They looked up, and when they did, they realised God had already gone ahead and solved their problem, the tomb was open.

Just for a minute put yourself in the place of those ladies waking up on the very next day, on the Monday, and imagine the joy they must have felt knowing Jesus was alive and they had hope again, all was not lost. What had happened the day before, on resurrection morning, hadn’t been a figment of their imagination, it had really happened and it changed everything. Friday had been tragic, Saturday looked hopeless, but Resurrection Sunday would affect their every day from then on - ours as well - even if we have moody Mondays!😊

Even if your circumstances look like that Friday or Saturday, remember God has Sunday coming for you, because of that first Resurrection Day. It changed our future, it gave us hope of better days ahead. So let’s look up and with eyes of faith believe God has already sorted out those things that we’re so anxious and distressed about and trust Him to support us and do whatever we can’t do. Amen.

Photo by Mel Lituañas on Unsplash

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