Thursday, 18 April 2024


John 14:1 “Do not be worried and upset,” Jesus told them,….

When I returned from holiday, one of my plants had lost its lovely yellow flowers. Something had eaten them all away so I brought it indoors to sort it out. I left it for several hours and when I returned there was a huge caterpillar just sitting on the edge of the pot! I had found the culprit which had been brought out by the heat in the house. He was exposed so I was able to get rid of it!

It’s the same in our own lives when we’re merrily going along and then a situation crops up when we find ourselves feeling stressed by what’s happening. We were driving home on the motorway and Chris missed a turning and we suddenly found ourselves driving miles in the wrong direction! I was reading the map looking for a route to take us back in the right direction and I suddenly found myself getting in a bit of a tizzy! Have you ever had that happen to you? 

What was happening? I found I had a caterpillar in my life which had been exposed by the heat of the situation! Things had suddenly happened where I wasn’t in control anymore and we were in unknown territory. Chris wasn’t bothered in the slightest and knew he’d find another way but it had the opposite effect on me.

We’re all different and we discover things about ourselves that the Lord wants us to deal with so the caterpillar is removed! I need to learn to go with the flow and be flexible and not get anxious when things go wrong but trust the Lord to help us. In actual fact He did do just that, and we found ourselves on a very pretty route in an unknown area which was beautiful and ended up having a lovely picnic somewhere new. God turned it round for good.😊

The next time you find a caterpillar of some kind suddenly rearing its head in your life, eating away at your peace, maybe making you anxious, ask the Lord to show you what’s at the root of it, and ask for His help in getting rid of it so you don’t let it take over. We need to get rid of the caterpillars!😊

Photo by Krysten Merriman on Unsplash

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