Saturday, 20 April 2024


James 1:17 (NLT) Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.

We’ve been away for several days this week visiting family and friends which was lovely and the Lord blessed us with some good weather which has been a miracle in itself, and we were so thankful for it.

You may remember earlier this week on April 15th, the Blog was about walking into favour and I said, “You can walk by faith expecting His favour to surround you like a shield, that He is going to cause people to be good to you.” Well, I have to share what happened after I wrote that so God gets all the glory.😊

We were visiting our friend who had been clearing out the house of a mutual friend who had sadly passed away several weeks ago. She discovered loads of pairs of shoes, most of which were new but they were a small size, so they wouldn’t fit many people. However, she knew I have small feet so she kindly gave them all to me! Boxes and boxes of them!

I was absolutely thrilled as finding shoes to fit my feet can be difficult and I had just looked for some recently with no success. The Lord has now just given me several pairs of top quality new shoes and boots I didn’t even have to search for! It was a ‘wow’ moment as there were lots of pairs, not just one or two! Isn’t that amazing? He is an over the top, exceedingly abundant God. He did as He said and caused someone to be good to me and remember, that word was for all of us.😊 Thank You Lord!

So I just wanted to encourage everyone to keep believing for the favour of God in your lives as well, as God does amazing things and just wants to bless you too. I’ve already been able to give a pair of the boots to someone else with small feet and there may be others I can give as well, so it will be a favour passed on. We’re blessed to be a blessing aren’t we, and I’ve never been able to bless someone with beautiful leather boots before!

It’s wonderful to know the Lord has stored up lovely blessings for each one of us, and when they come they really bowl us over! I pray favour filled ‘wow’ God moments in your lives too, whoever and wherever you are. God is so good to us all the time! And when it happens to you please share your favour story in the Comments, so we can rejoice with you, and God receives the glory.😊

Don’t doubt and do without. Be a believer and a receiver in Jesus Name and have a blessed weekend.x😊

Photo: Verity Sanders on Unsplash


  1. I have been rather poorly since Christmas and being self employed I have been struggling financially. I also lost my clients which was expected. I have had to reevaluate my work and wellbeing. Through this difficult time I was given so many gifts from my church family which helped me to get through. The lord has also provided me with a new job opportunity. Keeping my faith was and is so important. What WOW moments and answer to prayer. Never give up trusting in the lord He will provide, just be patient.

    1. Thank you for encouraging us with your lovely testimony and pray it all comes together well for you in the coming weeks.🙏🏻😊
