1 Samuel 14:6 …Jonathan said to his armour bearer, “Perhaps the Lord will help us for nothing can hinder the Lord. He can win a battle whether he has many warriors or only a few!
In 1 Samuel 13:5 we read how the Philistines had mustered a vast army, as many warriors as the grains of sand on the seashore. In v.15 Saul counted his men and he only had 600 soldiers, and Saul and Jonathan were the only ones who had a sword and a spear! You could say it looked like they didn’t stand a chance and the odds were majorly stacked against them! But read on, it gets better.😊
Jonathan inspired his armour bearer to believe their God could rescue and deliver them despite their lack of resources or the fact their men were found hiding away in caves and holes.(v.6) They had no back up in the natural but they began the work God was about to do. Somebody had to believe to start somewhere!
As it unfolds we find God caused total confusion in the enemy’s camp and also sent an earthquake. God can do what no one else can do and it only took one man to take the initiative of faith to release the power of God into the situation so their vast enemy army was defeated.
Those two men didn’t even have the power of the Holy Spirit inside them, but God was with them. How much more can we do, who do have the Holy Spirit and His power inside us? If God be for us, who can stand against us? No one!
So if it looks like the odds are stacked against you at the minute or you feel like you have no back up, take courage and take a leaf from Jonathan’s book and step out in faith anyway, knowing that what you don’t have won’t hinder God’s plan. Remember the God factor!