Monday, 19 July 2021


Isaiah 55:8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," says the Lord. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. 

We all have our own thoughts and opinions on all sorts of subjects and we all have a tendency to think we're right!  We may have studied and obtained great qualifications, or had certain experiences throughout life that have led us to those opinions and perhaps they're deeply embedded in our physique. We're all getting our thoughts from somewhere and somebody! 

Have you ever said to yourself "Oh so and so will never change, you'll never change the way they think!"?  Just supposing our thoughts or theirs are not God's thoughts or opinions? What then? Are we willing to even find out what God's thoughts on certain matters are and if they are different to ours are we going to be willing to 'forsake our thoughts'? 

God said to me once to allow Him to give me His thoughts, to forsake my opinions, and ask Him first what my opinion should be!  

So I pass that challenge on to you today, will you allow Him to give you His thoughts about everything in your life? Are you willing to forsake long held opinions which have maybe been handed down to you from your culture, education,  parents, grandparents or even your denomination, if they're not His thoughts and ways? And will you just stop for a minute and ask Him first what your opinion should be. Therein lies humility doesn't it?

Probably the best way to do that is to search scripture because we find God's thoughts and His way of doing things on everything in there! For instance you may think God is holding and remembering your sins against you going back to when you were a child.  But Hebrews 10:17 says " .... "Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more." God has already forgiven all of our sins, past, present and future.

We may hear of certain bad situations and we want to give people a piece of our minds, but God says "Love never fails." and He calls us to love them and show compassion.

I know I need some serious thought changing to be done on quite a few subjects! How about you? This week let's ask God for His help to ask Him what He thinks about things first before we say or do anything.

Here is one thing though I have found in scripture, so I am sure about it, and that is God wants to bless you this week, so be blessed.😊

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